Ice Rescue Technician Advanced (IRTA)

For personnel who operate on frozen, large volume rivers with open leads. \

The Ice Rescue Technician Advanced (IRTA) course covers all of the skills taught in Ice Rescue Technician (IRT), as well as addressing the substantially higher-risk environment encountered when working on large volume rivers with open leads.

Also covered are size up, risk analysis, and hazard mitigation, PPE considerations, self-rescue techniques, and throwbagging. Scenario-based training using both standard and improvised ice rescue equipment will be carried out.

This course can also be taught as a 1 day upgrade for students who have already completed the Ice Rescue Technician (IRT) course and hold an in-date Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician (SRT) qualificiation.

Contact hours

24 hours (2 days)

Upgrade from IRT – 8 hours


Qualification valid for

3 years

Taught by:

Rescue 3 course

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